Sunday, 23 May 2021

SQL Server with Python - An Intro

Everyone uses SQL, and everyone uses Python. SQL is the de-facto standard for databases. Python on the other hand is an all-star, a top language for data analytics, machine learning, and web development. Imagine both, together.

This is actually incredibly easy to setup. We can quickly utilize the dynamic nature of Python, to control and build queries in SQL. The best part? After set-up, you don’t need to do anything.

Both of these amazing tools together, allow us to reach new heights of automation and efficiency.


Our bridge between the two technologies is pyodbc. This library allows easy access to ODBC databases.

ODBC, short for Open Database Connectivity, is a standardised application programming interface (API) for accessing databases, developed by the SQL Access group back in the early 90's.

Compliant database management systems (DBMS) include:

  • IBM Db2
  • MS Access
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle

In this article, we will be using MS SQL Server. For the most part, this should be directly transferable for use with any ODBC compliant database. The only change required should be with the connection setup.


The first thing we need to do is create a connection to the SQL server. We can do this using pyodbc.connect. Within this function we must also pass a connection string.

This connection string must specify the DBMS Driver, the Server, a specific Database to connect to, and our connection settings.

So, lets assume we want to connect to server UKXXX00123,45600, database DB01 , to do this we want to use SQL Server Native Client 11.0.

We will be connecting from an internal, and thus trusted connection (we do not need to enter our username and password).

cnxn_str = ("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};"

Our connection is now initialized with:

cnxn = pyodbc.connect(cnxn_str)

If we are not accessing the database via a trusted connection, we will need to enter the username and password that we would usually use to access the server via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

For example, if our username is JoeBloggs, and our password is Password123, we should immediately change our password.

But before changing that horrible password, we can connect like so:

cnxn_str = ("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};"
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(cnxn_str)

Now we are connected to the database, we can begin performing SQL queries via Python.

Run a Query

Every query we run on SQL Server now will consist of a cursor initialization, and query execution. Additionally, if we make any changes inside the server, we also need to commit these changes to the server (which we cover in the next section).

To initialize a cursor:

cursor = cnxn.cursor()

Now, whenever we want to perform a query, we use this cursor object.

Let’s first select the top 1000 rows from a table called customers:

cursor.execute("SELECT TOP(1000) * FROM customers")

This performs the operation, but within the server, and so nothing is actually returned to Python. So let’s look at extracting this data from SQL.

Extract Data

To extract our data from SQL into Python, we use pandas. Pandas provides us with a very convenient function called read_sql, this function, as you may have guessed, reads data from SQL.

read_sql requires both a query and the connection instance cnxn, like so:

data = pd.read_sql("SELECT TOP(1000) * FROM customers", cnxn)

This returns a dataframe containing the top 1000 rows from the customers table.

Changing Data in SQL

Now, if we wanted to change the data in SQL, we need to add another step to the original initialize connection, execute query process.

When we execute queries in SQL, these changes are kept in a temporarily existing space, they are not made directly to the data.

To make these changes permanent, we must commit them. Lets concatenate the firstName and lastName columns, to create a fullName column.

cursor = cnxn.cursor()# first alter the table, adding a column
cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE customer " +
"ADD fullName VARCHAR(20)")
# now update that column to contain firstName + lastName
cursor.execute("UPDATE customer " +
"SET fullName = firstName + " " + lastName")

At this point, fullName does not exist in our database. We must commit these changes to make them permanent:


Saturday, 22 May 2021

Docker – Installation on Windows

A quick walk through of Docker installation on Windows 10.

1. Downloading the binaries

Download the binaries from the official website.

2. Install WSL 2

Install WSL 2 following instructions provided in the Microsoft website. This step can be done before installing the docker or alternatively we can let docker installer install it for us. Windows Sub System for Linux provides environment to run GNU/Linux environment , command line tools , utilities directly on Windows without installing a VM or dual boot .

3. Installing Docker

Go to the place where we have downloaded the Docker Desktop Installer.exe , right click Run as administrator.
Unlike other installers , Docker installer will not prompt us with many options . The only two options that we will see during installation are “Install required Windows components for WSL 2 “ and “Add shortcut to desktop”. Select both the options and click ok to start the installation.

Wait for the installation to go through.

Once the installation is successful , we will see the following screen :

4. Starting Docker Desktop

Before we can execute any Docker command, we have to first start the Docker desktop. We can start the Docker Desktop from the start menu or from the desktop icon.

The status of the Docker engine is shown at the bottom left corner, it should be green before we can interact with Docker cli .

5. Optional Configuration

There are some configurations in Docker , which are good to have right from the start . Click on the gear icon on the top right side of the Docker Desktop dashboard .

Enabling Kubernetes (Optional)

Navigate to Kubernetes tab and then click on the Enable Kubernetes check box and then click on “Apply & Restart”. This is the fastest way to bring up k8s on our machine.

Enabling WSL 2 Integration

If we have installed any other operating system using WSL2, we don’t have to install Docker once again. We can use the same installation here also by enabling the integration.
Go to settings > Resources > WSL Integration > Enable the integration for the installed OS .

6. Verification

Now that installation is complete, we verify the installation using the following command :
docker info
This will display the details of of Docker Desktop .

For more on this , visit official documentation .

Monday, 22 March 2021

Using Group Managed Service Accounts with IIS 10 on Server 2016

 Using NetworkService powered application pools does have the nice effect, that there is no password needed, because the pool will be running with the credential of the webserver machine account, which is a domain account, where no password management is needed.

To access resources on the network, the webserver machine account must be enabled on the network destination and everything is fine and secure using windows authentication or Kerberos

This approach is good enough, if the scenario is limited to one application per server, because the minute you need another application, which does have different requirements in terms of security, then this approach will fail.

Lets assume, there are 2 web apps on the machine, which each does have its own SQL Server DB and which should not be allowed to access the other ones data.


This scenario can only be used with custom domain accounts, if windows authentication should be used.

Only with 2 different accounts and 2 application pools, the security on each database can be limited to the one matching application pool.

But then someone has to manage this domain passwords and make sure, that they are not expiring, but still changed from time to time. A tedious task and the passwords are probably distributed across the company, hopefully in a secure way and not inside XLS or Textfiles…

Another way with Server 2016 is to use Group Managed Service accounts.

This requires, that Active Directory scheme is on level 2012 R2, only then, the feature “Group Managed Service Accounts” can be used.

Setup a Group Managed Service Account

Login to DC:

Enable gMSA globally on Domain

— for Lab environments we use the switch –EffectiveTime, so that we don’t have to wait for 10 hours, which usually should make sure, that AD sync is ready.

Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10));

This will usually be done from the Active Directory team in your environment

Open ServerManager => Tools => Active Directory Administrative Center

Add new global SecurityGroup named gMSAGroup




Go to AD Admin Center and search for the newly created group (gMSAGroup)



OR: Use Powershell and first install the Powershell AD-modules

Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell

Then create the global security group using

NEW-ADGroup –name “gMSAGroup”  –path “OU=XYZ,DC=mydomain,DC=com” -GroupCategory Security -groupscope Global

Right click the gMSAGroup entry and add all the memberserver, which should be able to use the Group Service Managed Account IIS1Svc

or use Powershell:

Add-ADGroupMember "gMSAGroup” -Members "Server1$", "Server2$" 



After adding all the memberservers to the Group Managed Service Group, they must be rebooted!

Create first gMSA Account on the DC: (max 15 chars)

New-ADServiceAccount IIS1SvC -DNSHostName -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword gMSAGroup

optionally use –path to define, whe the account should be placed into the domain structure, eg:
-Path "OU=OUXy,DC=mydomain,DC=com"

Check in AD Admin Center, that the account is visible

Switch to MemberServer (HSW2K12R2Web1)

Install on MemberServers: Remote Server Administration Tools via Server Manager to get Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell

OR with Powershell: Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell


Open Powershell Admin Console and

Install-ADServiceAccount IIS1Svc

If error is “access denied”, make sure, that the memberserver was added to the allow list of the group service group and the server was rebooted afterwards!



Create new AppPool in InetMgr:


Use this GroupServiceManaged Account and append “$” to the name and leave password empty

Use this Account for a web application.

When this web application will access a resource on another computer, it will then use this GMSA


Friday, 19 February 2021

Creating a non-XML format file

Please review Non-XML Format Files (SQL Server) for detailed information. The following command will use the bcp utility to generate a non-xml format file, myFirstImport.fmt, based on the schema of myFirstImport. To use a bcp command to create a format file, specify the format argument and use nul instead of a data-file path. The format option also requires the -f option. In addition, for this example, the qualifier c is used to specify character data, t, is used to specify a comma as a field terminator, and T is used to specify a trusted connection using integrated security. At a command prompt, enter the following command: 

bcp TestDatabase.dbo.myFirstImport format nul -c -f D:\BCP\myFirstImport.fmt -t, -T

REM Review file Notepad D:\BCP\myFirstImport.fmt